Date: 27/ 05 / 2021
Venue: Via Google Meet
Organised by Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development (FBI), UMK
The workshop has successfully achieved the set objectives, where it was organized to inspire all BCE students in learning English language. The goal of this course is to motivate students to improve their language skills. This workshop is targeted for all BCE students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan in giving them exposure and tips in learning the language. YBrs. Prof. Zuraidah gave a motivating introductory speech on how Covid 19 had changed the education and make way for online classes and remote teaching. YBrs. Prof. Zuraidah shared the 6Cs of education which are Character, Citizenship, Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity that instill holistic development within learners. This course provided all BCE students with a better understanding of the English language and its evolution in this pandemic era.