Date: 25/ 08 /2021
Venue: Via Google Meet
The session met its aims, with the speaker discussing and sharing her experience producing and publishing high-quality articles in prestigious academic publications with significant impact. This workshop aimed to help academics and language teachers at the Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development (FBI) create and publish articles in high-impact and high-ranking journals, such as Scopus. The workshop proceeded with a demonstration of how to publish an article or journal in Scopus by the guest speaker. YBrs. & Prof. Zuraidah Binti Mohd Don described in length and clearly her valuable experience in successfully overcoming the twists and obstacles of the academic world in order to achieve success in this sector. YBrs. Prof. also advised on how to be a good educator and use writing and publications to provide significance to one's own life as well as the lives of others. This session successfully imparted knowledge and practical approaches for writing articles that meet the publisher's journal's criteria, particularly Scopus.
