Date: 26/ 10 /2021
Venue: Via Google Meet
This session focused on lecturers and language teachers at the Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development (FBI) who are currently conducting research and how to improve their research abilities in the future. The guest speaker, YBrs. Prof. Zuraidah Binti Mohd Don, divided the workshop session into 2 parts. The first session is about research in general, and the second session is about her research experience. The speaker started the first portion of the presentation by describing the definition of research and the stages of research. It began with a consideration of research and the adaptation of relevant knowledge, theories, and methodologies used in doing research, particularly in the social sciences. YBrs. Prof. also described the necessary data for the research and offered her opinions and advise. Ybrs. Prof. discussed what social research is in terms of "epistemology" and numerous "approaches" that may be adapted and used in research.
Besides, YBrs. Prof. provides the important parts of qualitative research, namely data analysis, in depth and concisely while sharing her unique experience in the challenges of the world of research, particularly in the field of social sciences. This session was successful in providing participants with critical knowledge and understanding about their goals as social science researchers with a significant role to play as the "agents of change" in the national education sector. This workshop provided many beneficial and crucial insights in preparation for becoming more competent scholars and contributing to society.